Hey there Swords
Well I cant be sure but it looks like you might have N. saguinea
Jerry never was the best at keeping his labels straight.
GEORGE I can tell you for sure that its not N.x wrigleyana
as Jerry has never had that plant in his collection as far as I know and I know his Nepenthese collection quite intimately.
I know you will be seeing B. beccarii available from him in the not so distant future. There should also be some hybrids with it coming too. I know because I made them.
I can tell you for sure youll be paying a #### of alot more than 16 bucks, especialy on the Jerry Fischer pricing scale. I cant believe he ripped of the #### psuedobulbs! As if this was some how off setting the price to any significant amount.
So how do you like the smell of B. E. A. Buckleberry?
Its not too unpleasant. If your into stinky flowers like me, I highly recommend Bulbophyllum medusae. The closest I can pin its sent too would be, sorry ladies, ball sweat.
I know. . thats horrible, well your telling me? Im the one sniffin it all the time.
B. echinolabium is most outstanding as well.