I've had my ceph since early July and I'm keeping it in with my highland nepenthes so it goes from 75-85* daytime to 50* at night with an aproximate humidity of 80%. I will be getting a humidistat to plug my humidifier into in a few days so I will "know" it's 80% but I'm wondering if I should move the plant to a warmer location because I haven't seen any growth on it yet. Is it still in shipping shock?
The plants current care: it's about 2-3" in size but potted into a 10" plastic pot of LFS, pearlite and sphag peat. Gets only R/O water and living under Compact Flourescent lights.
The plants current care: it's about 2-3" in size but potted into a 10" plastic pot of LFS, pearlite and sphag peat. Gets only R/O water and living under Compact Flourescent lights.