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Ceph cutting


SirKristoff is a poopiehead
Staff member
I have a ceph that has a brown growth growing out of it. This growth has one full size leaf growing out the side and what looks like a tiny new plant growing on the tip. Will it be ok to cut this off and plant it as a new plant? Will that work? If it will what is the best method?
If this works, this cutting will be for you, Copper.
Id say it will work just as long as the new plant has a root system of its own. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Hi all:

The "brown growth" as you call it is an "aerial rhizome", There is a little bit of dispute as how long the rhizome should be to get new plants from!!. Some say 1 inch long would do and others say at least 2 inches. I have had good luck with the one inch theory. so it should work for you as well
