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Capensis Typical Seeds

i had sown some seeds in my 10 gallon terrarium and was wondering how long it takes them to germinate and or do they require stratification?

any help appreciated
No, they are tropical plants so they dont need a stratification period. The seedlings that I am growing germinated in exactly 2 weeks. I personally think that is pretty good speed for seeds.

no wonder its been 2 days and im wondering why they havent sprouted haha
Most Drosera require at least 2 weeks, but often this is closer to a month or more for most temperate and tropicals. Other species may take much longer - up to 3 years for some of the Australian tuberous species! Cultivate patience along with your seeds, and don't give up on a pot of sown seed: if there is no germination after a couple of months, reuse the pot and sow it with another genera of CP. Keep the original label as well as the new one, and you might get a happy surprise long after you thought it was impossible. It happens!