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California Carnivores 2



And I got 200 dollars worth of plants. I got S. flava, S. x readii, D. aliciae, D. filiformis( giant), D. extrema, venus flytrap( red dragon), N. sanguinea, N. x Holland Hybrid, N. thorelli x (x wittei), and N. alata( hairy) with 7 inch pitchers. I'm very happy. I might be able to put in the pictures I took tomorrow.
Nice! When I came back from Catalani's I brought back $250 worth of Nepenthes.
I know and you know, it is hard to not spend alot at those places! Espically in PERSON! So many plants that YOU get to pick out.
You know it! Now whats this Catalani place? And exactly what species did you get? I know I really wanted N. x dyeriana and N. spathulata x spectabilis, but they didn't have anything like that. Speaking of witch, I need to get those pictures up