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Buying VFTs in the UK

Does anyone know where you can purchase a Red Dragon or Akai Ryu VFT for delivery to the UK (i.e. from a UK online stockist), without the huge p&p costs?

Few questions about online orders, packaging & travel:

a) Bare root, what sort of condition do the plants arrive in?
b) Potted, what sort of condition do the plants arrive in?

Anyone have any tips for UK VFT growers? I.e. to help VFTs in UK conditions.

I have also been looking for an akai ryu VFT but have not found one yet. Instead i've bought a south west giant and an oxford red from andy at triffid nurseries. He is planning on growing some akai ryu's, at the moment he is selling seeds, so you could get a pack of seeds off him if you can't wait. If you would like to know any more information e-mail him at this address:


(Edited by harrytomuk at 10:56 am on April 19, 2002)
Hi Guys,
I have about 30 Akai Ryu all red VFT for sale ready now if you want them, please contact me if want any.

These were the VFT that were brought in from Atlanta botanical gardens.
Tom - tell us what the Oxford Red looks like when it arrives!
I recieved my oxford red a couple of days ago with my south west giant. My oxford red at the moment is very tiny, with about 1.5cm leaves. My south west giant on the other hand has got 4cm traps, with 5 traps altogether at the moment.
I recieved a South West Giant and a Royal Red Vft from andy on saturday. The royal red is red all over, i'd find it hard to tell the difference between it and the akai ryu, It is that red. The whole plant is about 6cm in diameter, and has 2cm traps. My south west giant sounds exactly like yours harry.
The Royal Red tends to grow flatter to the ground with wider petioles, whereas the Akai Ryu tends to grow more upright and is a slightly more dark purpley colour. With lack of light the Akai Ryu tends to turn green and the Royal Red tends to turn more pinky.
Hi Alexis,
The royal red you had from me will also start growing verticle leaves, but I have found it to grow to a larger sized plant than the Akai Ryu. I hope your new plant is 'settling in' its new home!

Best wishes to you
Thanks for the information Mike. A couple of the traps are 1/2 open now and the others seem to be digesting something