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Ok, I have a small pot of mexican pings that suddenly appeared to be ill so I took them out of the terrarium to look at them and there's little bugs all over. They seem to be clinging to the underside of the leaves and they are very small and green in color. Some of them have little wings.. does anyone know what they could be? What should I do?
I think they may be aphids 'cause of the wings on some of them. You can try the "Dunk 'n' drown'em" method or Orthene. Ther are a couple others mentioned in "The Savage Garden", but I can't remember them at the moment.
Thanks for the advice BCK
I just went and bought a bottle of Orthene.. wish me luck..
The "dunk and drown them" thing is the safest thing and I think the most accurate. all you do is soak them for a day or two but no more than two days. hope I could help

Dunking works well against aphids for many CPs (VFTs, Sarracenias etc) but I doubt that Pinguiculas will like being treated in this way, I think it could be fatal. I'd go with the insecticide, I recently had aphids all over a couple of my plants and Malathion did the trick. The plants were fine, the flowers that were developing were discolored though. Read the label carefully, and follow all the instructions though.

I didn't think pings would respond well to the dunk and drown method but I wasn't sure. Should Orthene be safe to use on them? The "Savage Garden" says yes.. but I was wondering if anyone else had any experience with it.
Hi purplesundew,

I have used orthene on a couple of my P.moranensis caudata 'Longwood'. The plants did not appear to be damaged in any way.
Sorry purplesundew,  reread this and realized you'd said mexican pings (not VFTs).  My autopilot kicked in on me (again
 ).  I'll get it adjusted

D'Amato gives Orthene an OK also.

When one knows nothing, then quote someone else