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Bugs that are good for your CP\'s

Everyone let's make a big list of different thing's that are good for CP's
Cluster Flies - The BIG, slow flies that are usually only found in houses - they digest some of them but leave about 90% of the buf left!
Cluster Flies - The BIG, slow flies that are usually only found in houses - they digest some of them but leave about 90% of the bug left!
Sry for the double-post :smile:

- Brett
Spiders. Flytraps love 'em.

Small slugs. These digest really well--quick turnaround, no mess in the trap afterward.

The big plus to both animals is that they will seek the trap out--no need to feed the plant yourself. They practically force their way in and shut the trap behind them!

Sry for the double-post :smile:

LOL I also thought we were posting things that were bad for VFTs!!!

Good things:

Inch Wroms
some moths
fruit flies
pill bugs

- Brett

(Edited by nrbelex at 8
0 pm on May 28, 2002)
Good things to feed to a VFT:

that's pretty much it because my plants usually catches only flies (about 95% of the time) becuase I let my plant catch their own meals.
SLUGS ARE VERY GOOD FOR YOUR CP'S They digest very quickly healthy and they don't rot the leaves HHHMMMMM GOOD SAYS MY CP WHEN I FEED IT SLUGS
I found some great food today! The little larvae that live in cuckoo spit. They have been burrowing into my sunflowers but now all my Green Dragons are eating
  • #10
I've found that earthworms are unsutable.