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Bleeder hoses for Darlingtonia?

Anyone tried continuous cooling-by-evaporation for Darlingtonia? I'm thinking that tap water, while no good for watering the plants, would work great as the vehicle for evaporative cooling of a pot.

Get a relatively high container to hold the water for the Darlingtonia pot, one that extends a third of the way up or so. If it had an overhanging rim, so much the better.

Wrap one of those water-oozing "bleeder" hoses under the rim of the container that holds the pot's water. As the water drips down the outside wall, it cools the container by pulling away the heat through evaporation. The water in the container stays very cool and keeps the pot cool. The tap water evaporates or dampens the ground under the pot, further cooling the air around the pot.

I'm still trying to figure out how I can use a Stirling engine to help me grow these things--there is no problem a Stirling engine can't solve!

What is a Stirling engine?

Suzanne...on the Quest for Knowledge.
A Stirling engine is like a steam engine only it is run by a small chamber that has a piston in it, when that chamber is heated the air molescules bounce feriosously around and move the piston that runs usually 2 flywheels. So bascially it is a steam engine cousin that runs on hot air. Yes, I do have a steam engine too.
And steveo your setup sounds superior to any other ones I have heard of! Good job and thinking man!