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there could be fungus, aphids, spider mites attacking the new growth, fungus gnats even... your light levels could be to low for the plant to 'build' the trap and leaf... humidity to high, air to stagnant...
give us some descriptions about how you grow your plant.
I grow my plants outside where they get plenty of light (5-6 hours a day) They get excellent air circulation. I don't see any bugs on the plants. Is it possible that they get too much sunlight. I live on the Northern border of Illinois so I figure that the sun isn't super super powerful up here. But too much sun is all I can think of, would it be wise to bring them inside for a few days where the sun won't be so harsh? Or should I just let it go?
They are in plastic potts (6 inch), I give them about 2 inches of distilled water from the bottom every other day, I took them out of the sun fo a little while, I don't know what could be causing this?
I don't think the sun would hurt them...unless you took them from a more protected environment into lots of hot sun suddenly. If you make any significant environment change, its best to do it gradually to avoid shock.
Mine get about 5-6 hrs of direct sun and temps can get into the 90s and mine are fine.
If you have a 6" pot...that is kind of large. The water you are putting in the bottom tray may not be keeping that much soil wet. Does the soil stay wet (not soggy) at all times? What kind of soil mix is it in?
I always make sure that the soil is perfectly moist. Not too wet and not too dry. I have them planted in sphagnum moss. I didn't think they needed any peat since I bought them from the store and they were already growing in sphagnum. Should I maybe downsize the pots and plant them in peat moss. I am not sure what would be the best thing to do here? I think I might have burned out some of teh sprouts because I did introduce them to some pretty harsh sun....all of the sudden, but now there is lots of healthy sprouts on the way up. I just want to know weather I should do some repotting with peat moss and perilite and all that good stuff?
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