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biiig problem

i left my judith hindle out last night, but this morning it was raining (jeff and phil would know). but rain made some of the pitchers fall over, and some of the soil was gone. the pitchers are alright now, cus i propped them up with a tube i made with a piece of paper (its inside now) and about the soil problem, i tried to get as much soil as possible from the patio (the soil which came off the pot)and put it back in. i managed to cover up almost all the roots, but there is still some soil missing. all i have right now is a little bit of sphagum moss (long fibered). i read some where that peat moss is compressed sphagum, am i right? so should i chop up the sphagum moss and fill it in the pot? i wrapped some saran wrap around the pot to keep the soil in place (like how the plants form this site are packaged when it arrives when you order them) i taped it, and cut off the bottom part to put in on a saucer. it might be raining all week, (its raining now) so im planning to keep it inside until the soil problem is fixed, or im thinking about making a little shelter outside to block the rain. but the main thing im concerend about is the soil, so please give some suggestions. thanks
You could top dress the pot with LFS, that will keep things from flyingout of it too.
Yeah top dress it with sphagnum it will "diffuse" the rain and lessen it's impace and still keep your JH nice,wet,happy,and in the pot!
Not to worry pitchers will get damaged periodically. New ones will grow to replace them but leave the broken pitcher on the plant, they still can photosynthesize and help the plant until they die and brown, then you can clip them away.