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Big, hairy cape


Lotsa blue
This plant sprouted from seeds I now believe to be field-collected in South Africa that were marked "Drosera hilaris" and sold as such. Obviously not the right species. While I will never do business with that particular merchant again I thought this one plant was a bit different and sort of interesting. It is more upright than I am used to and far hairier. The size is about 6 inches across. Two other plants that grew from the same seed (not shown) are extremely glabrous, to the point of being abnormally smooth to my eye.



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Wow, that is hairy, I like it! Glad you finally got some pics of it to share.
Very hairy
looks a lot like my Bain's Kloof. Which has the same amount of hairiness..
I know there's a "hairy" form of cape, but I'm yet to grow it. So no clue if it has more hair than the known Bain's locality.
very healthy looking cape you have there mark,and hairy too,is it grown in pure lfs
Wow, that is hairy, I like it! Glad you finally got some pics of it to share.

Took me long enough! 'Glad you like it, Dj.

Very hairy

'Might be a good name for a cultivar...

looks a lot like my Bain's Kloof. Which has the same amount of hairiness..
I know there's a "hairy" form of cape, but I'm yet to grow it. So no clue if it has more hair than the known Bain's locality.

I've got no way of knowing precisely where the seed was collected so it could be from that area. I've heard the "hairy" form is propagated by cloning.

very healthy looking cape you have there mark,and hairy too,is it grown in pure lfs

Thanks, Corky. I've got it growing in long-fiber sphagnum mixed with perlite and live sphagnum as a top-dressing. Since the 'pot' it's growing in has translucent sides I can see a lot of green inside as the dried lfs has sprouted out with new growth.