I brought up this topic about a week ago, if you scroll down a ways you'll see the post.
Yes, the Nikon Coolpix 5700 is the one I think I want too, but the Sony Cybershot DSC f717 is also a very attractive camera. Reviews seem equally positive on both models, with only slight complaints on learning how to use the Nikon 5700, which is why I might end up with the Sony as I'm quite the novice when it comes to photography. But I do know that I want a camera with 5 MP, good optical zoom, flexible (manual) features, and the compatability to add/remove different lenses and filters, which both cameras have. The Sony is also a few hundred $$ cheaper.
The best thing you can do is start reading a lot of digital camera websites and magazines and decide what you want before you spend that hard earned dough. All the digital camera magazines have put out their "2003 buyers guides" with side by side comparisons of almost every model. I picked up a few different mags the other day, one has a "digital camera dictionary" which helps you understand some of the terms and abbreviations used in the reviews.
good luck on your new camera!