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Basal shoots


Moderator Schmoderator Fluorescent fluorite, Engl

I was wondering how you remove a basal shoot. I have a nep with a shoot coming out of the soil. How can I remove this to grow separately? I am afraid if I cut it off the mother plant, it will die. I have no idea if it has its own root system strong enough to live on its own.

So...what's a gal to do?
How can I separate this plantlet safely?

Tricky question. If the offset is on its own root system, then it's easy. I have an ampullaria x bicalcarata that regularly produces offsets with their own roots. When the plants are big enough to take the shock, simply pot them up. If the offset is a stem connected to the mother plant, then your only recourse is to try rooting it after you remove it. Depending on your success with rooting, you risk the chance of losing the cutting. When my nepenthes start getting older, I actually prefer to see multiple stems growing from the same pot, so I leave offsets like this alone. The plant ends up getting much fuller this way. Oz
Well...that is the problem. I don't know if it has its own root system or comes off the main stem. Since it pops up out of the soil (about a half inch or so from the main plant) I can't tell. I figured if its off the main stem there would be a high chance it would die. But I also hate to tear around in the soil to try to find out and risk causing damage. Normally I would leave it and let it grow but I don't want to on this particular one.


What you might want to consider doing is hacking off the main stem and using it for cuttings and just leave the basal shoot alone to become a full sized plant on its own.

I'm in the same position as you with both my ventricosa and my khasiana. Both have at least 3 basal shoots and I am debating over whether or not I should do a hack job.

Just my own semi-stupid thoughs there.

More than likely it does not have it's own roots. basal shoots typically have to get pretty large before they root. Unfortunately the only way to be sure is to unpot and dig in.

If you didn't want to do that you have a few options...

Let them grow so you have a nice bushy plant.

Dig down a little and cut it and hope there are some roots and if not then treat it like a cutting and root it. Chances are that even if it does have roots it will still need to be treated like a cutting because it is more than likely using the main plants root system as well for moisture uptake.

Cut back the main plant as Pyro suggested and let the basal shoots grow, using the other plant as cuttings. (this is the route I generally go if I am not trying to get a blooming sized plant. This way you keep neat tidy plants as Nepenthes have a habit of making long bare stems otherwise)
Thanks guys...I will have to think on it. I might try cutting the shoot and just see what happens. The main plant isn't that large so I don't think I would want to hack it up yet. It wouldn't be a big loss if the shoot didn't make it. I'd still have the larger plant.
