</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>
Quote (Maehem @ July 09 2003,9
)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Umm.. correct me if I'm wrong but aren't ALL VFT besides the common genetic mutants?
And aren't most ornamental fish also genetic mutants? Goldfish are springing immediately to mind here.....[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Umm..yes, and there are are a lot of goldfish varieties that should be culled too!
those bubble-eye fish should have never been created..
Lion-head goldfish often have those hideous growths cover their eyes, rendering them blind, they cant see to eat and slowly starve to death..(but they LOOK cool right?
so people buy them..ensuring they continue to be bred..)
just because we CAN create something doesent mean we SHOULD! IMO this applies to many fish varieties created by humans just for our amusement..
and it applies to the "Bart Simpson:VFT too!
the "parrot cichild" is a man-made freakish nightmare..
(but its CUTE! it SMILES! awww..so ill buy it! )
Discus are being bred, on purpose, without tails!
they can hardly swim!
they are sold as "butterfly discus".
but they will continue to be bred, because people will buy them.
its appaling..
pugs and persian cats are another example..the poor creatures cant even breathe, they were created just for our amusement, because they look "cute"..
The Venus Fly Trap is an amazing, perfect, beautiful organism (and im not even religious! I fully believe in evolution!
no matter how it was created, the VFT is an amazing, stunning work of art..
as are cats, and dogs, and simple goldfish.
humans really dont need to mess with them!
yes sometimes we can create hybrids that are more robust, (tomatos or corn) or quite beautiful (S. Judith Hindle, yellow Discus) but these arent radically changing the physical FORM of the creature, I dont have a big problem with messing around with colors..as long as the creature is robust and can live a normal life..
but when the creature is stunted or deformed by our actions, and then those deformities are SOLD as a gimmick for profit! (lion-head goldfish and parrot cichlids) thats when I get really cranky..
if the resulting creature is harmed by our meddling, thats when it has gone too far and the creatures should be put out of their misery..the "bart simpson" VFT cant catch bugs! thats the very POINT of a VFTs existance! (someone) created a mutated stunted ugly VFT that cant even function as a carnivorous plant! its a mistake..IMO the bart simpsons are not happy, they are deformed, cant eat, and look very sad..
they are a major step-down from their gorgeous wild brethren.
If I created them, I would destroy them as a genetic mistake that should have never been made...
ok, stepping off the soapbox now!
major rant ending!
(I have said enough..I wont comment again about Bart!
I never said anyone had to agree with me..