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I have found a place that offers Butterworts and Bladderworts at a very good price, the problem is they only have them as bareroots. Are bareroot plants a big risk? or do they survive transport just as well as potted plants? Is there any special treatment that bareroot plants need once they arrive? Thanx for the help
you would'nt be talking about cooks would yuh , anyways , i've recieved many bareroot plants from nurseryies , trades and whatever and they seem to arrive ok . although there is a small risk you take when ordering bareroots . when you recive your plants you can soak the roots in a solution of vitamin b-1 or superthrive to relieve it of shock . fro bladder worts they don't seem to be annoyed by being transported bare root . although when it somes to butterworts they seem to be a bit more sensitive .hope this helped .
Nearly all Mexican Pinguicula can be sent bareroots without problem, even for 2 weeks (the time a box took for travelling from Australia to me in France).

It is safer to travel during winter stage or in growing stage with a little amount of wet moss to prevent dryness.

For the Temperate Pinguicula, you should only ask for hibernaculum, never during the growing season as this lead to death of the plants if sent bareroots.

For the south-east US Pinguicula, I think a long term travel is dangerous but within USA it could be safe. I prefer to receive these plants with pot (if correctly and safely potted).