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Back from Labor Day Trip

nepenthes gracilis

Nepenthes Specialist
Well all my family and I just came back from a trip to our camp in the Adirondack's and we took our canoe out in an acidic pond called Streeter Lake, I have looked at this many a times and never have seen the whole lake. Finally I got to see it today! We took out canoe and in the water where HUGE masses of Utricularia probably U.Vulgaris or U.Inflata or U.Purpurea. Anyhow and along the shoreline was ALL Sphagnum moss lush billowous and FULL of  S.Purpurea subsp. Purpurea. I was quite shoacked as I have never been around the lake and seen it, now I know the lake's true beauty. They were very nicely colored and the ebst part is I could pull the boat to the sphagnum shore and look at the pupurea near the water.  
 Also along the shore are about 20-30 large areas of pure natural peat that was inhabited by overloading masses of D.Intermedia and D.Rotundifolia. It was such a nice trip around the lake!  
 Throught I would just share all this with you guys as my labor day vacation.  
When I was up north I canoed the whole lake with my mom... We went places canoes shouldnt go... my mom: "draw greg... do a pry..... stuff your paddle into the mush and puuuuuush greg!"...

I then took the Kayak out by myself to get into some of the tighter spaces, and it was alot easier....... Its really neat how you see small glistening forrests of D. intermedia on peaty islands, huh? Where I went rotundifolias were pretty much haning off the edges of those islands where long grass took over, and just anywhere else the big puffs of sphag grew...

The utrics I saw were vulgaris, purpurea, resupinata, intermedia, and of course, gibba...

Lots of fun, huh?
Rotundifolia grows anywhere where it is acidic and peat or spahgnum areas where I see it all the time. Also you said this:</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When I was up north I canoed the whole lake with my mom[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>

You canoed Streeter Lake too?
Is that lake located in NY? I believe that is were you live?

Nope, not the same lake. Lake Tamarack in Haliburton
Yes Travis it is right in NY. (Look at my signature
) Why?

Cool Parasuco!
Just curious...you could traveled out of NY to MI for the weekend.

So there's a lake there too called Streeter?
Not that I know of but there is a #### (city), Michigan. Although I would have to check a plat map since MI has over 800 some odd lakes (give or take a few).

  • #10
For some odd reason I can not say ####, so it is the opposite of Heaven (hint the devil lives there).

  • #11
Yeah I know of that city. Quite interesting actually.