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Baby VFT Dormancy

I got a couple of baby VFTs from a couple of my Green Dragons back in June and they are very small, like seedlings. Do you think I should give them a dormancy? I know in the wild they would have one, but since they have only existed since June, do you think they would mature faster if I skipped them this year?
alvin  five years ago I got 3 dentes when a few month old in    october  and waited till november the next year  for d ormancy all are still  living and doing great    Iwant a royle red or a red green or red piranha can you help thanks       ak47
Thanks AK47.

Which country are you in? I can point you in the right direction if you're in Britain, but you sound as though you are from America if you have Dentes.
yes I am from the us. as you know I got dentes green drangons common vft.s we talked before abou t rowan
Hi. I got your message and can see your reply.

I'm not sure I can be of much help if you want VFTs in the USA. You need certificates and things to import stuff I think.
You are probably best waiting for spring when varieties of VFTs are available where you are.