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Anyone have any pictures of... ??

Does anyone have any pictures or links to images of:

N. inermis x gymnamphora
N. x pangulubauensis (xiphiodes x mikei)

Anyone grown these and have any insights...

I suppose I'm tempted, but would like to hear some feedback before gaining two new family members (grin)
I've seen all these species, mikei and xiphoides on G Pangulubao and both inermis and gymnamphora on loads of mountains. Never seen hybrids of either though I have seen inermis x talangensis.

Can't give you any pics but I could provide some cultivation tips based on their habitats if that's what you're looking for?

Cheers, fatboy.
I bought some unidentified hybrid seeds of X Gymnaphora once... never germinated... a testament to my lack of seed growing skills.
does anybody have a picture of a Nepenthes Sanguinea that came from PFT .