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Any Aristolochia fans out there?

I was really impressed by the Aristolochia grandiflora that a local orchid shop has growing through it's rafters entertwining with thier nepenthes and other tropical vines so I got myself a few plants from their supplier (theirs was just a freebie that came with some plants and they let it go crazy as an accent plant they don't sell em) and I orded one of each that they had which are:
A. grandiflora
A. peruviana
A. gigantea
A. gigantea 'Braziliensis'

I'm curious as to whether I should put them in a lowland or highland growing chamber?
Lowland:  70* nights  85-100* days   80+% humidity
Highland: 50* nights 75-85* days  80% humidity

I don't have an intermediate enclosure and haven't gotten credit approval for a greenhouse just yet...

Thanks for any info!
I have seen huge vines of these guys in the greenhouses at the LA Arboretum. The ones I saw where huge(at least 40ft of vine). Are you sure they will not outgrow your terrarium in a short period of time?

These guys prefer intermediate conditions(60's-70's) from what I have heard.
To stinky and big for me right now.
I have them in my 4 ft x 4 ft x 2ft highland nepenthes terrarium and they seem to be doing great. Indeed they do grow like mad (I'd say mine put on 1I of vien length per day. it would probably be more but they are in their tiny shipping pots still but I'm going to be putting in a trellis and tray planter system so they can climb twist and get big in a smaller amount of space. This will give me a green wall on the back and sides instead of just boring plastic sheeting plus I can hang epiphte cork flats from the trellis!

Any idea how large/old Aristolochia have to be to give me those 8" dinnerplate sized flowers? Do they have to become humungous and woody before they can flower?