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Another question

  • Thread starter metal_mistress
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If the fly trap has other things in its trap like dirt, do you remove it or what?
Yes, you should remove foreign substances from the traps

I hate it when you're all careful about not triggering the trap to close but in spite of all your best effort the d#$% thing closes. I think the best tools to use for removing foreign objects are needles and squirts of water.
I hate it when you're all careful about not triggering the trap to close but in spite of all your best effort the d#$% thing closes. I think the best tools to use for removing foreign objects are needles and squirts of water.
Hi Metal Mistress

Flytraps do often get things in them like dirt or a piece of a leaf...and of course there are dead bug husks. If they are outside, rain will often wash them out but if not, I use a mister with distilled water and GENTLY mist it out. Even then, you can still sometimes trigger the traps (I hate when that happens&#33
. If there is a husk that is really stuck on, I mist it first to soften it up and then try misting it out. You can use tweezers too but again you have the risk of triggering the trap, but sometimes it just happens.
