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Another one to id

Hi, I've owned this plant, which I presumed was a lowland nepenthes, for over a year and kept it on the windowsill after it outgrew its fishbowl terrarium. It wasn't pitchering (no kidding) on the sill, but did spout a couple basil shoots one day! Excited, I decided that it was stupid to keep this gorgeous plant in a humidity-lacking environment so i put it in with my highland plants and within two weeks it formed this 4" pitcher!!! The first pitcher since its fishbowl days and showing more mature characteristics. I tried having it ID-ed back then, but it was still too young to know.

Anyways, I still have no idea what kind of nepenthes it it, so if someone knows, please let me know! I bought it from an odd source: a funky furniature store in Sacramento, CA. All the woman selling it said was it was a nepenthes, she didn't know what kind.


Maybe a maxima and/or spectabilis hybrid?
If the leaves are reddish, I'm sure it's an xRokko.
The leaves have a slightly orangeish tinge now that it lives in the terrarium. Here's a picture which shows the leaves and might help IDing:


I looked up Maxima and it seems like the closest in coloring so far, though the peristome is a little broader and curvier.

What do you think?

Looks like a x balmy koto or x rokko, both are thorelii x maxima hybrids made by the Japanerse and are fairly common in cultivation here in the USA. Mr. Bruce Lee helped me on this.
Ohh yes my nepenthes leafs from the unknown nep topic look eaxactley like those and it the same color.
you might want to take the rocks out of the pot. it would make it alot easyer for the plant to put out basils shoots. instead of working itself around them.

just a thought
I would agree, you plant looks like it has a little one growing next to it. I would repot it into a bigger pot or take the rocks out to get more little plants.
I am going to go out on a node(hahaha) and say it's a N. rafflesiana x mirabilis, because it looks very much like the one I have here at my office.


  • #10
I have an N. mixta that looks identical to yours. Though there are several hybids with N. alata that look very similar t oyour plant. It will be easier to tell when it gets larger.
  • #11
The peristome has gotten redder...


Maybe you guys are right about removing some of the rocks, I hesitate repotting it though, because of the potential for shock.

Groovy! Thanks for all your imput, by the way!
  • #12
I have that exact same plant! I brought it to Peter at California Carnivorores and he said that it was a N. holland x maxima.

  • #13
Very pretty. Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to say for certain exactly what it is. Appears to me to be a N. maxima hybrid with perhaps some N. spectabilis, N. thorelii

  • #14

I'm in California too, near Santa Cruz, where are you??