Hey carniverous newbie,
First off Welcome to the forums!!
I am glad that you found this place, and I hope that you hang around and meet some great people
I have a few questions to ask...that will better help me help you
1) what type of soil are you using?
2) water?
Carnivorous plants cannot take plant food. At best, what they can handle is a mild strength acidic fertilizer ( miracid, orchid fertilizer ), or something like superthrive...WEAK , and monthly. Also, only on the leaves and not into the roots of the plant. Carnivorous Plants have poor root systems. It is from that they have evolved to catch prey. To supplement the lack of getting it from their roots ( or ground ).
If you place the Venus Flytrap in a terrarium, I would leave the top open. Air circulation is something that the plant needs. Stale, stagnant air will cause mold and will eventually kill the plant.
Leaving the top open will allow for fresh air to come in and the plant wil lbe fine.
Humidity isn't an issue with Venus Flytraps ( it is however with other Carnivorous Plants ).
When you water the plant, please only use distilled water, rain water or water from a reverse osmosis filter. Tap water, drinking water, mineral water...all contain salts ( sometimes not listed on the bottle ) minerals and other chemicals that will harm the plant.
Since you have the plant in a terrarium.....what you want to do now is to just make sure that the soil is moist. Adding lots of water will cause the plant's roots to rot. Keeping the soil moist, will prevent that.
The best things that you can do for your VFT ( venus flytrap ) is:
1) lots of light. The plant enjoys lots of sun. If you leave it outdoors....make sure there is enough water so it doesn't dry out.
2) water. This is something that will be debated ( because of types of water. Some people will use tap water for their plants. That is fine if the tap water is low in chemicals and mineral content. Others, like here in Houston, the water is horrible and the plant will suffer. ) The best thing to do is to give the plant Distilled, rain or Reverse Osmosis water ( high end filter ). Anything else can harm the plant over time.
3) Humidity. With the VFT, it isn't an issue. I would keep it around 50%. If the air is drier in your neck of the woods. I would mist the plant daily. It will help. Plus the fact it sits in water, you will have humidity built around the plant.
4) dormancy. Check back here in November. There will be tons of info on it.
5) feeding. No people/pet food. Live bugs only. Also, remember that the plant doesn't have to eat. Think about it as the plant getting fertilizer ( from catching a bug ). When other plants are fertilized ( with a fertilizer ) they grow bigger, faster...But if they don't get fertilized, they will still grow. Same thing with the VFT. Plus, I assure you, the plant will catch a bug on its own.
If you have any questions...please let me know. You can write me:
jaie@petflytrap.com OR you can leave anything in these forums. There are tons of great people...and you will have all the answers you need ( probably more
Good luck with your plant and PLEASE keep us informed about her