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Another Ladyslipper

  • Thread starter Merlin
  • Start date
Since folks have been sharing pictures of ladyslippers and since one of my favorites is in bloom...

This is Paph. hainanense  


(Edited by Merlin at 9:44 pm on April 22, 2002)
Hi Merlin

First off...Welcome to the forums! WOW...that is a beauty!! I love it. Great photo too.

Do you have many orchids? What varieties? Are the paphs your favorite? I hope you post more pics. I love to see what other people are growing.
Do you grow CPs also?

I hope you come back to the forums often.

Thanks for the kind words.  I've been growing orchids on windowsills and under lights for a dozen years.  During that time, I've tried many varieties (with varying degrees of success) but now I grow mainly Paphs and Phals.  I haven't counted them recently, but I probably have around 50 plants.

I started with CPs about a year ago and I've got around 30 - mostly Sundews and Pings - under those same lights.

Now that I've found these forums, I'm certainly going to be visiting regularly.  

(Edited by Merlin at 6:44 pm on April 23, 2002)
Wow Merlin! That's a lot of plants! How many windowsills do you have?? lol I have my orchids in windows and on a plant stand at a window. I am running out of space. I have a bunch of other plants too. I just added a new 20-gal. tank to my existing 2 10-gals. and 20-gal. for my CPs needing humidity. I will have to do a count one day of what I have.

I do hope you hang around...the forums are interesting and fun.

I've got about 10 feet of windowsill (south, dappled shade), but most of my plants are under my lights.  I've got a 50" by 30" table with a 4-bulb fluorescent fixture hanging over it and three 2-bulb fluorescent fixtures hanging under it.  Also, I limit my plants to small-growing ones that won't take up too much space.

And I certainly expect to keep hanging around

(Edited by Merlin at 5:34 pm on April 24, 2002)
lol Merlin. Sounds like a nice set up. I don't have the space for that unless I forget "fancy dining" on my 8-ft. farm table in the dining room.

Well that is a beautiful paph...I've looked at it several times.

Of course, you could hang some lights under the table and tell the dinner guests not to kick their feet...
lol Hmmmmmmmm....I might just consider that.
welcome to the forum......your paph is lovely! Please post more pictures!

Rob and Joann
  • #10
Thanks, and I will. I've got a Paph. callosum that should be fully opened in a day or two and a couple of other things in bloom...