Here is a repeat of a post I did under "General Discussions" but since there are a lot of Drosera options, i thought I would repeat it here.
I am just curious if anybody is interested in getting together for a Lowrie order for seeds? You could get tubers too, if you did it quick enough. To be honest,in the past, we have seen some problems with mailing tubers twice in this manner(a little fungus).
Shipping is $20 AU(around $11.80 US) per order of tubers and seed. I would be willing to pay the shipping from Lowrie to me and then mail the seed/tubers to you. Maybe you could pay for one of my seed packs($4 AU/$2.40 US) for compensation.
I am just probing to see if there is any interest. If you need a copy of the 2002/2003 catalog, send me a SASE with 60 cents postage on it and I can mail you one(I also have an update from Feb. 5 with new additions and some deletions).
Let me know what you all think.
This would be for US residents only.
I am just curious if anybody is interested in getting together for a Lowrie order for seeds? You could get tubers too, if you did it quick enough. To be honest,in the past, we have seen some problems with mailing tubers twice in this manner(a little fungus).
Shipping is $20 AU(around $11.80 US) per order of tubers and seed. I would be willing to pay the shipping from Lowrie to me and then mail the seed/tubers to you. Maybe you could pay for one of my seed packs($4 AU/$2.40 US) for compensation.
I am just probing to see if there is any interest. If you need a copy of the 2002/2003 catalog, send me a SASE with 60 cents postage on it and I can mail you one(I also have an update from Feb. 5 with new additions and some deletions).
Let me know what you all think.
This would be for US residents only.