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The time has come to hack down my 3' + tall nepenthes. Now, how much should I cut? My N. sanguinea has like 4 shoots (2 from each stem) so should I cut just above the shoots? And should I cut down both of the stems, or just leave one to continue growing? With my N. bongso x maxima, it has 4 growing points/stems. Should I cut them all, or just the tallest one and how far?
Nathaniel, actually it is up to you how much you want to cut off of it. from where u cut it from it is going to start to grow again.
If there are basal shoots growing you can chop it down to just above them without any problem. If there are no basal shoots I would cut it back while still leaving a few green leaves on the bottom section. In my experience leaving it a brown leafless stem it often does not grow back and if it does the new shoots take very long to grow big again.
I was thinking (about my bongso x maxima) that matbe I should give the main stem a trim, and really cut down the other three stems, possibly allowing the main stem to grow more vigorously, seing as there are so many growing points taking energy from the plant. In any case, I'll be cutting within the next hour
. I'll probably have a lot of extra cuttings to give out, so contact me if your interested. And for those I've already promised, you'll have them soon. Cheers
! Man am I tired. I rearanged all of my plants into some new tanks, brought plants from the dark upstares to my brighter, "tall plant" setup downstairs. I took 11 cuttings, 6 N. sanguinea (dark) and 5 N. bongso x maxima. I still have big sections of vine left. Tell me now if you want some, as I'll be sending them off Monday, hopefuly.
I would love to try these species. I hope for the day when my plants are large enough to take cuttings and share. Thank you for your kind offer!
Where and how are you getting that bongso x maxima to grow? Can you show me a picture of it?

I've had this same hybrid for what seems like an eternity (Jan/Feb 02 or so) and it hasn't pitchered once in it's supposed "habitat" (I have it in highland conditions and it won't pitcher but all the others like hamata, inermis, rajah, etc are fine). I moved a cutting from it to my lowland tank and it promptly put out a 3 or 4"pitcher! It's just opened and is starting to expland the peristome. I will post a pic of mine as soon as it opens fully and colors up (probably a few more days or so).
I knew that plant prefered lowland conditions
! In the hot, 18 hour sun of my south windowsill in the summer, it grew really fast, and pitcherd a lot. Now that it's cold and dark in that windowsill, I have moved it to brighter, warmer conditions. That ought to perk it up