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Algae plantlets?

Is there any kind of plants or plantlets that are produced from algae that is left to it's own? I've noticed new tiny plants appearing in a lot of my plant pots (numbers of them, not just one or two), and I know they weren't planted there! They are tiny green things that have numerous tiny leaf looking stems....?
I kept most of my plants outside last summer and now I have tiny little "plantlets" growing up in almost every pot. I'm sure they are just weeds and I just keep pulling them out as they come up. I'm also sure that is what you have. Unless it looks like a baby cp I'd just pull it out. If I'm right you'll have plenty to replace the ones you pull out soon.
Oops, perhaps I should have mentioned that I keep mine in an indoor terrarium! They have never been exposed to the outdoors. I have never re-used old soils with planting new plants, and I have never mixed & matched my plants or anything like that. That's why this is striking me as so strange! Any clues?
Even soil that is fresh out of the bag can have seeds in it. It can still be a weed. I'm not saying that it can't be algae, but from what you described it don't sound like one to me.
This the stuff you have?

I also have fine green filaments that I believe are a type of algae. Other than looking bad it doesn't seem to bother the seedlings yet.
If your plants are in a peat mix it might be sphagnum moss starting to sprout. Most of the algae I have seen is a dark green slimy nasty coating.
I think the plants in the picture with my d. capensis seedlings are probably moss. They look like miniature pine trees in a way.
You know Liverworts are a possibility. Dark green, slimy, and fillied with holes. Looks a lot like moss.I really dont know much about them.
Ive had these form massive colonies under benches in GHs before.

The picture above looks slightly similar from what I can tell. It's hard to tell from the pic...these plants for me are still quite tiny. Actually, they also seem to be sprouting in pots that don't have a heavy buildup of algae. I do you a peat/sphagnum mix, that might be it.
Thanks for all your insights, it's appreciated! I won't remove them for now as long as they don't cause any problems for my plants. Depending on what size they grow to, I may remove them later on. I don't want them overtaking my babies!
  • #10
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (carniverous newbie @ Dec. 21 2002,10:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The picture above looks slightly similar from what I can tell. It's hard to tell from the pic...these plants for me are still quite tiny. Actually, they also seem to be sprouting in pots that don't have a heavy buildup of algae. I do you a peat/sphagnum mix, that might be it.
Thanks for all your insights, it's appreciated! I won't remove them for now as long as they don't cause any problems for my plants. Depending on what size they grow to, I may remove them later on. I don't want them overtaking my babies!
[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
That sounds like you got yourself some free live sphagnum! It won't be algea because algea isn't a plant and very very few forms have anything remotly similar to leaves or stems. If you are curious though, pluck one out and feel it. If it is sort of rough or plant like feeling thats the moss. If it is sicky slimmy or slipry you have some sort of preplant life (no nessesarly true algea but some other odd group). I'm guess that it is sphagum though because that stuff creates chemicals to kill off algea befor growing

Consitter yourself lucky if it is sphagnum. It's easy to propigate more, but starting stuff is gigantically overpriced usually. I grew all of mine from a single sprig that poped up in my VFT's plant only a month after I had had it.
  • #11
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Khai @ Dec. 20 2002,11:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You know Liverworts are a possibility. Dark green, slimy, and fillied with holes. Looks a lot like moss.I really dont know much about them.
Ive had these form massive colonies under benches in GHs before.

[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
oh, Duh, THATS what those stupid little gritty things living with my baby sundews are. How did I not relise that befor now, lol
  • #12
Arent they crazy looking Darcie?
They kind of remind of sponges.
