My plant is not getting big juice lusiouse killer leaves... Even twh two that sprouted from the center of the rossette that had MASSIVE beggingins to traps, turned out small!!! Why wont my plant grow ANYTHING GOOD They barely close fast enough to catch a fungus gnat! In fact, they DONT! I have them in a covered terrarium, so it's humid, they get light (now they get about 3-5 hours of sunlight on a sunny day. Its not too hot (yet), and they are drinking enough good water!!! They are under the closest to ideal conditions I can provide! Of course, there is always outside, but I wouldnt consider that ideal seeing as how they'd get demolished by grains of dirt, aka, my brother's rat like friends... I dislike them very much... I fear for my plants for them... I am guessing It could be lack of dormancy? I just bought them in february, and I am guessing that maybe they were allowed to flower (odd, because they both produced a flower stalk which I imediatly severed) before... Maybe its from last year... Maybe the company did not allow them a dormancy period... Anyone here own a Gubler's VFT that they bought LATE winter Any suggestions? I've let them eat some bugs, but not tooo many (well...), so its not lack of minerals... Perhaps repotting them? Before it gets too late into spring? I suppose its pushing it now, but they need SOMETHING...