theres is a type of tree that I have been curious for months and still i have not found the name . well today I went to knotts berry farm I found a million of them and some other plants I have unexpectedly see , i saw a live forever cactus with a huge flower stalk and a new plant called the orchid tree witch i will soon purchase but about the plant i was curios about . the description is the trunks has thorns , the flowers are pink , the seed pod looks likea huge acorn with powdery seeds , the trees are about 25 feet tall , its seems they live in dry soil , and the tree is green . sooner or lady i found the name of the plant labeled on one of the trees which said "mexican palo verde " so i reserched it and found out that still the plant looked much different because the tree i found on the internet has yellow flwoers and has a shorter trunk . please help me id this tree because i want to plant it at my house .